Katelyn at 12 Months

We have had this (no longer) baby for over a year now and she continues to make our lives better everyday. As I mentioned in her birthday post (read HERE) it took us two shoots to get her 12 months pictures taken, but I am so happy with the results. It was definitely worth it.
She had her 12 month check up on June 21st. Here are her stats,

HEIGHT: 27 3/4" 7%
WEIGHT: 15 lbs 3.5 oz 1%
HEAD SIZE: 18 1/4" 84%
SHE CAN: Fill and empty containers, cruise along furniture, imitate or say 1-2 words, holp cup and drink, find hidden objects
IMMUNIZATIONS: MMR, Hepatitis A, Varicella
 So our pretty girl is still a tiny little thing. Here are some tidbits about her at 12 months. Although her weight doesn't show it, she does eat extremely well. Now that she can eat everything she wants, she is taking full advantage of it. Can I just say how AMAZING it is for her to be able to drink milk now. With that, we have stopped nursing.
 She is not walking by herself yet but can walk along furniture and if she is holding on to something like the shopping cart she got for her birthday. Her favorite thing is to push one of the little chairs we have in a kid table all around the kitchen so she can get where she wants to.

Still worships her big brother over everything.

Her favorite song (as shown in her birthday party video) is Me Too by Meghan Tainor, and when I say her favorite song, I mean her FAVORITE song. She seriously freaks out, drops everything and starts dancing every time it comes on.
 We love this little princess so freaking much!We have gotten so lucky having us in our lives!

(So yes, this post should haven been posted back in June. I realize that I am ridiculously behind on blogging. Hoping I will be able to be all caught up before the end of the year so we can start next year up to date and blogging things as they happen)


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