Will you accept this Bachelor Live Ticket?

If you have known me for a while, know anything about me or follow me on any sort of social media; you know that the Bachelor franchise is not an obsession but a life-style for my mother-in-law Julie and I. We do brackets, listen to podcasts, talk Bachelor for at least 68% of the time we spend together and we DO NOT read spoilers (because we are true fans and spoilers for the wannabes. I'm serious, don't come at me with spoilers; it is the quickest way to ruin our friendship). Anyway, we LOVE the Bachelor. That being said, we didn't know what to make of the Bachelor Live Tour. I think that the problem was that there really wasn't a lot of information about it. Also, the tickets were expensive for something that there wasn't a lot of information about. Conclusion: (and to the disappointment of Julie) I had decided I wasn't going to go. OH MY GOODNESS you guys, what a huge mistake that would have been! About a month ago Julie offered to take all her daughters-in-law and she would pay for the tickets. So yes, I decided to go (free ticket and a fun girl's night out) but I still thought it was going to be lame. Have you ever heard the phrase "eating crow"? Well, I will proudly say that I ate ALL of the crow that night and it was totally worth it. (but I'm getting ahead of myself)

We stared by having a super fun and therapeutic (that's what happens when the kids stay home) ride up to SLC and then had delicious dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (for the record I decided to cut the entire paragraph that I had written about the cheesecake I got but I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't tell you to get the 30th Anniversary Chocolate Cheesecake next time you go. It was seriously the best dessert of my life!)

Look at these sexy ladies! (also we all wore roses to the show because that's how committed we are. There is a better picture of our outfits below)
This is me, kid-less with a tiny purse! Unfortunately only for dinner because I had to had my nursing pump with me; but a victory is a victory no matter how small (see what I did there?)
Fun fact: Becca Kufrin and Ben Higgins are my favorite Bachelor and Bachelorette respectively. 
See, I told you there was a better picture of us showing all our roses
We took the above and below pictures during intermission so I guess now is a good time to tell you about the show as you are probably sick of hearing how fantastic it was without and sort of real information (which, as I mentioned above, was the reason I didn't want to go in the first place)
Well the show was basically a mini season of the Bachelor, live on stage. They picked a local bachelor (some guy named Crispin who is a firefighter up in SLC) and ten local girls to come and see if there was a connection. They had a big screen in the back so they could reflect things like the Mansion (for the limo pull meet ups), the games (for the different group dates) and the beach (for the fantasy suite dates). There were two host (Becca and Ben) and four dancers that kept everyone moving where they were supposed to go. It was seriously amazing to see how great everyone was prepared as the majority of people on stage didn't know what they were supposed to be doing so it was up to the dancers to get them where they needed to be at all times. The group dates where fun, get-to-know-you games and then there were rose ceremonies. It was so much fun for the audience to be part of the rose ceremonies because we could scream and cheer for our favorites. There was also 'fantasy suites' in which they brought in a cabana in the corner of the stage where the bachelor went in one a time with the two top girls and got to have a private conversation without mics while the hosts answered audience questions. The whole thing was such a BLAST! Also, Garrett was there which, if you don't know, Julie and I were at Becca and Garrett's first date so we are personally invested in their relationship.

I'm hoping Bachelor Live is going to be a yearly thing from now on because I definitely want to go again and highly recommend it (even if you don't like the Bachelor, it was such a fun show). Moreover, I think Julianna would love it and I hope we get to go once she gets from her mission

Thank you so much for the amazing night Julie!

I'll end this post with this awesome picture of us and our light-up roses.
PS if Chris Harrison ever decides to retire, I would only accept Ben Higgins as a replacement host of the show

Second PS I totally feel like I have to go stalk Crispin's Instagram now to see what is going to happen with the girl he picked


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