This sidewalk is on FIRE!

I need to start by saying that there was a LOT of back and forth with Sidewalk of Fire this year. Mainly the controversy dealt with Nathan. He was scheduled to come from his mission to Mexico on the 25th and we had Sidewalk of Fire scheduled for 3 days before on the 22nd. The problem was that if we waited to have it until after he came home, we would not be able to have fireworks because we would be outside the time set by the city. In the end, we just had to do it on the 22nd. Nathan was sad, but he understood

Can I just say that this was the best Sidewalk of Fire ever! Everything went super smoothly and perfect. Not to mention this year we had cotton candy... which, next to avocados and watermelon, is tied on the top food of all time list
 Have you ever had a smoked hot dog? It is out of this world good! Our neighbors across the street helped us out by smoking a crazy amount of hot dogs and they were fantastic
 Spencer and Julianna's band (Day Job Junkies) were the headliners this year. They were so good (seriously so good! I'm not even biased)
 Katelyn loved them so much! She danced to every song
Someone brought sidewalk chalk out this year and the kids loved it!
 watching the band again... she took breaks from dancing for food
 As I said on Instagram... I ate a plantation's worth of cotton candy
 The Little Guy tried sparklers by himself for the first time. It was such a surprise for me as he is not big into trying new things. It was all going great until his sparkler went out and he immediately put his hand around the burnt part. He was really sad and cried but didn't actually get burned. Then he surprised me even more by wanting another one! If he is not big into trying things, he is definitely not into giving things a second chance, so it was a great moment for him to do so
Like last year, I did a video of the whole night... enjoy

PS can you believe it is the 6th year of the Keeles putting on this party?! Spencer proposed a couple of hours after the first one


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