Celebrating our Independence...

Remember that time I used to blog... yeah me too. If you look before this post the last time I blogged was December 2017. 2017!!!! and that post about September. So yeah, things got away from me. I think the problem was that I always felt like I needed to "catch up". Obviously "catching up" on almost two years worth of posts is an extremely overwhelming tasks so I kept putting it off... which, of course, meant the work load kept growing. I finally decided (today to be exact) that "catching up" was not going to be a thing. Maybe some day I'll go and do posts about all our fun adventures from October 2017 to June 2019, but for now, it is what it is. SIDE NOTE: even though I didn't actually blog about it, most of the stuff is documented on Instagram.

So anyway.... let's get to today's post....

The 4th of July

If you have been following me for a while you might remember that Spencer actually proposed on the 4th of July eight years ago (in case you forgot, you can read about it HERE) so the holiday has extra special meaning for us. Well fast forward to this year and my extremely pregnant self (oh yeah, did you know I was pregnant? Baby is due October 9th and I'm even more sick than I was the last two pregnancies), but it wasn't just me sick that morning. KK woke up first saying that her tummy hurt and then she stared throwing up, followed by the Little Guy saying that his tummy hurt and then he stared throwing up. Let me just point out that taking care of two kids throwing up while you are also throwing up it's just the worst. So needless to say, I was pretty discouraged about our 4th of July activities and whether or not they would actually happen. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself at around 1 PM laying in bed when Spencer said "No, I'm not going to let wallow in self misery" and he opened the curtains to our room. Well I took that as a personal challenge and got up, showered, did my hair and actually put make up on (I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I have put on make up this pregnancy). Also I got the kids (who were feeling all better. Must have been a short time thing) bathed and dressed. Obviously after all my efforts I made everyone pose for a picture after lunch
Because we are super American, we had Cafe Rio for lunch at Mark and Julie's house and then watched the Hot Dog Eating Contest. It was the first time Julie watched the whole thing and it is always fun for me to watch other people watch it and be super grossed out. I remember my first time watching it 8 years ago. Does it get more American than the Nathan Famous Hot Dog eating Contest on the 4th of July?... I don't think so.

After we left Mark and Julie's house, and because we are really REALLY American we went to the Tita's for hamburgers. I wish I would have taken a picture of my food... it was so GOOD! Then it was time for sparklers... well the kids the played sparklers while I secretly wished someone else would take a pictures while I played with sparklers.

 and yes. this picture of KK is AMAZING!
Once it got dark, KK and I dropped off Spencer and The Little Guy and went hunting for fireworks. We ended up at the top of Mapleton and it was so much fun!

Well that's it for now. The hope is that if I keep these post short and to the point, it will be easier to keep on top of them.

Until next time


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