Cow Day, Cascade Springs, Fire and other random things

Have you ever gone to Chick-Fil-A for Cow Day? This was our first year ever doing it and it was AWESOME! I was feeling super sick that day and we almost backed out put I'm so happy I ended up pushing through because it was seriously the best. In case you do not know what it is, you dress up as a cow (seriously any costume will do, there were some pretty half-@$$ costumes there) and you go to Chick-Fil-A for free food. The kids get a free kids meal and adults get a free entree. We had prepared ourselves to wait for eternity but it really wasn't bad. I think the whole time spend was about 20 minutes. Of course, I saved all our "costumes" for next year. 

 "Mom, take a picture of Daddy and I sharing spaghetti-os"

 On the 13th, Mark and Julie took the kids and I up to Cascade Springs. It was my first time going up there and it was so beautiful. This year, we had planned a lot of hikes and camping but with me being so sick with this pregnancy that has obviously not been an option. That being said, I decided to go on this one; and while it was super fun, this was definitely my first and LAST hike until at least the baby is born.
 I was exhausted and I threw up so much! But enough about me. The kids LOVED it. This is the exact perfect hike for kids my age. It is not very difficult and there are places to stop and rest all over. The best part is that is a bunch of trails splitting off into different forks that all double back on each other so it was super fun for the Little Guy to pick where we were going.
 If you have not tried this hike, seriously do it, it's super fun. Just be warned that the way through Midway is closed and you'll have to go through Sundace which means it takes WAY longer to get there but it is super pretty.

Now to talk about fire pits. We at the Keele home LOVE doing fire pits so you'll probably see a lot of pictures (especially if you follow me on Instagram @Keeleana) it is just so much fun for us to sit around the fire. Whether we are cooking hot dogs or just marshmallows, we always have a great time. Now that we have our home, we love it even more, inviting people over or just doing it by ourselves is so special for us as a family.
 Besides, Spencer recently trimmed all our trees in the back yard (one of the responsibilities of being homeowners now) so we have A LOT of wood to burn.

This poor guy sprained his ankle super bad playing basketball last week. As I'm writing this, it has been 5 days since it happened and it is still super swollen and bruised.
 We went to the doctor the day after it happened to make sure nothing was fractured (Julianna ended up having to get surgery last year after dancing all summer on a foot she didn't know was broken) and everything looked good on the x-ray. It is sprained really bad and the doctor thinks there are probably some tore ligaments. As of right now all he can do it continue to ice it, take ibuprofen for the inflammation and start doing some physical therapy . The real problem is that he is going to New York in two weeks and that will entail a lot of walking so we are trying to make it heal as quickly and effectively as possible.

This summer we are trying to watch some classic movies with the kids. They are at such a fun age right now where they can understand movies more and we are so exited to share it with them. (I'm embarrassed to say that my children actually watched the new Aladdin movie without ever seeing the original).
 So far this summer, we have watched "The Little Mermaid" (it was mostly just KK and me) and last week we watched "The Sandlot"
I had a feeling the Little Guy would love "The Sandlot" but I had not expected KK to like it as much as she did. They both were so engaged and loved making predictions as to what was going to happen. Of course the LG's favorite line was the famous "You play ball like a girl" he thought that was the funniest thing that could possibly be said. My favorite part was when they are lowering the kid over the fence and as soon as they stared the LG went "Well that's a terrible idea. That's the worst idea they've had so far!"

Some movies on the list so far are, Little Giants (my favorite), The Big Green (Spencer's favorite), Aladdin (obviously), The Three Ninjas (which I happen to hate but Spencer loves and is about ninja kids so of course the Little Guy will love it too). I'm also toying with Snow White and Sleeping Beauty but I think they might be a little bit scary for KK still. Let me know any suggestions you have


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