Home Church: Week 2

I'm writing this post WAY later than I wanted to (a whole week too late) but what can I say, this "at home learning" thing is kicking my trash! Between working from home, homeschooling two kids and being a stay-at-home mom (with all the added things that come with having everyone home at all times), I am pretty much running on air and original taste Coke. 

All that being said, Home Church was, once again, wonderful. We decided to take our time and not let it stressful by trying to keep it earlier in the morning, and what resulted was a calm day where everyone was showered/bathed and ready for church on time (granted that time was 5 but hey, no one was late which is more than I can say for regular Sunday services)
Because everyone looked so nice, I made them pose for a family picture (and as always, Stockton just cared about the Little Guy) Why yes, the boys ARE wearing matching clothes and I love it so much! I would dress them exactly the same every single day if I could

Sacrament Meeting
March 22, 2020

Conducting: Daddy
Presiding: Daddy
Piano: Daddy
Opening Hymn: #27 Praise to the Man
Opening Prayer: Spencer
Announcement: Mommy

"Thank you everyone with how well you have been doing and trying to help out, we will continue to have home school this week with Daddy being home as well so it is important to keep trying out best"

Sacrament Hymn: #194 There is a Green Hill Far Away

Administration of the Sacrament by Daddy
Speaker: Spencer (1 Nephi 4: 1 & 6)
 Speaker: Katelyn (shared her testimony)
and then Sacrament meeting was interrupted by a huge fly. Seriously, this thing was MASSIVE. It was okay though because Daddy was up to the task with his giant fly swatter. (I was laughing so hard when he pulled out that thing. We can't remember where it came from)
The fly dead and the spirit restored, it was back to Sacrament meeting

Speaker: Daddy (Joseph Smith finds the truth. The first vision)
 Choir number: Did you Think to Pray?
Stockton got to play during Sacrament meeting
We are so lucky to have Daddy play the piano. Not only play but have you heard him? He is so freaking talented!

Speaker: Mommy (President Nelson's talk from the April Ensign)
Closing Hymn: #294 Love at Home
Closing Prayer: Katelyn

Primary: Mommy (The Good Samaritan)

After dinner, we went around and delivered cookies and homemade sunshine to our families. The kids and I had so much fun making and delivering these


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